Cybersecurity Solutions Designed To Protect Your Business

Convergence Networks is a pioneer in creating security and compliance solutions catered to small and mid-size businesses.

For over a decade we have been working with clients to ensure they have the right security solutions in place. Today our Security Services division works with clients across North America. With deep experience in various industries and compliance frameworks, we help guide our customers to implement best practices that build a strong foundation.

Your Cybersecurity Journey Starts Here

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Our Cybersecurity Process


We start by identifying gaps in your cybersecurity defenses and guide your implementation of best practices that build a strong foundation. From there, you are ideally equipped to venture forward.


Without continuous training, your people are the weakest link in your cybersecurity program, and hackers know it. Our approach will educate and inspire your team to defend against risks. The result: you’ll develop a culture of cybersecurity awareness, which builds engagement confidence, and an ownership mindset.


Together, we’ll reach a level of visibility and preparedness that does more than secure your data — it becomes a competitive advantage. You’ll have a clear view of where you stand, and what’s possible.

Managed Security Services

When you seek to deploy a robust cybersecurity program or reach an ambitious compliance standard, our partnership prepares you for whatever situations arise. 

Equip, Educate and Expand

Cybersecurity Projects

Engage our team to assess your risk exposure, get a clear view of opportunities to strengthen your cybersecurity program, and orient your team with solid procedures and training.

Cybersecurity Services

Compliance Frameworks

Most Businesses Are Not Doing Enough


Small businesses that say they’re not allocating any budget to cyber security.


The number of small businesses that rate their ability to mitigate cyber risks as “highly effective.”


Small businesses that report not regularly upgrading or updating their applications and software.


Small businesses storing sensitive or valuable data that do not encrypt their data.


Small businesses who verify asset location only once a year or even less often.


Small business owners report that they do not have a disaster recovery plan in place.


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