
Financial Services & Investment

Providing financial service organizations with managed IT and security services.

Data protection and compliance are two vital parts of running a successful financial services organization.

Managed Security

We adhere to SOC compliance standards and make sure the proper privacy and security policies are in place for service delivery. As a financial institute the security of your network and data is crucial.

Managed IT Support

Technology should be a tool used to grow and support your business. We make sure that your data, applications, network and other IT systems are in working order so you can serve your clients.

Data Protection

Financial institutions are one of the most targeted industries for cybercrime. Because of the nature of your business, and the sensitivity of your data, it is essential to make sure you have a robust data backup and recovery solution in place.

Meeting Your Needs

For IT to truly help you, support has to be tailored to your needs. Convergence Networks understands that your data must be private and protected. We know that your staff requires consistent, reliable access to computer systems to log billable hours. Given these demands, accounting and financial IT support is a wise investment.

Security and Financial IT Support

Risking your clients’ data and assets just isn’t an option. Keeping your private network in top shape and under virtual lock and key is essential. As managed service providers, we protect your business from digital threats and hackers. We layer defensive measures to provide multi-level security and continuously monitor your network for suspicious activity. Our team approach gives you access to experts who stay on top of emerging threats.

Poised for Growth

Whatever your goals are for growing your business, IT services can play a critical role. With reliable uptime due to rock-solid tech infrastructure, you can avoid extended downtime when your staff is sitting idle. Our proactive approach to tech roadmapping means you can budget confidently for necessary updates and upgrades as you scale up. 

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