Convergence Networks at the Ottawa Food Bank Food Sort Challenge 2024

As part of our ongoing Convergence Care initiatives, our team at Convergence Networks proudly participated in the Ottawa Food Bank’s Food Sort Challenge. This event was more than just a community service project; it was an opportunity for us to come together and demonstrate our commitment to giving back.

The Food Sort Challenge presented a series of obstacles that required teamwork, coordination, and a strong work ethic. Our team was tasked with sorting 1000 lbs. of food and our team worked efficiently and collaboratively to reach our goal. It was a rewarding experience that showcased our ability to work together under pressure while contributing to a cause that matters deeply to our community.

Our team overcame multiple obstacles and challenges to successfully sort 1000 lbs. of food. We are also proud to announce that we met our donation goal of $2,000!

The Ottawa Food Bank has been serving the community for 40 years, and the need for their services is greater than ever. With more families facing food insecurity, the Food Bank’s role in the community is crucial. Our participation in the Food Sort Challenge is just one way we can help support their essential work.

At Convergence Networks, people and relationships are at the core of everything we do. Participating in events like the Food Sort Challenge not only allows us to give back but also strengthens our team and our connection to the community. We are proud of our team’s efforts and look forward to continuing our support for the Ottawa Food Bank and other community initiatives in the future.

We would like to send a big thank you to everyone involved in making the Food Sort Challenge a huge success!

You can learn more about the Ottawa Food Bank at their website here to learn how you can get involved! 

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