Data Privacy Week: Take Control of Your Data with These 3 Steps

Data privacy is a critical issue that affects both businesses and individuals in today’s digital world. With the rise of cyber threats and data breaches, it’s increasingly important to proactively take control of your data and protect your privacy.

Data Privacy Week is an international effort to empower individuals and businesses to respect privacy, safeguard data, and enable trust. This year, the week-long event, will take place between January 21 to January 27, 2024, with the theme “Take Control of Your Data.”

To ensure the safety of your personal information and data, here are three essential steps you can take:

Step 1: Know the tradeoff between privacy and convenience.

As we go about our daily lives, we often unknowingly trade our privacy for convenience. While sharing your data can make your life easier, it can also put your personal information at risk. To strike a balance between privacy and convenience, consider the following:

  • Be aware of the data you’re sharing and who you’re sharing it with. Be wary of apps or services that require access to information that is not relevant to their services (for example your birthday date or postal code).
  • Make informed decisions about what websites you share your information with. Before you submit the form ask yourself – is giving up this information worth what I will be getting in return?
  • Delete apps and close out the accounts you no longer use.

Step 2: Adjust privacy settings to your comfort level.

Did you know that you can adjust the privacy settings on your social media accounts to control who sees your information? Take time to familiarize yourself with the privacy settings available to you on your accounts. 

  • Regularly review and update your privacy and security settings to ensure they align with your preferences.
  • Set your privacy settings to a level that you are comfortable with, allowing you to protect sensitive data.
  • Moreover, limit the amount of personal information you share on social media platforms to minimize the risk of data misuse.

If you are unsure where to update your settings you can visit the National Cybersecurity Alliance website here for direct links to popular devices and online services.

Step 3: Protect your data.

Above all, safeguarding your data should be a top priority. There are several proactive measures you can take to ensure the security of your personal information:

  • Keep your software updated: Regularly updating your software, including operating systems and applications, is crucial for preventing security vulnerabilities. Software updates often include patches and fixes for known vulnerabilities, protecting your data from potential threats.
  • Stay informed about security practices: Stay up to date with the latest security training and educate yourself about common cyber threats. By recognizing and reporting phishing attempts, you can avoid falling victim to malicious schemes that seek to acquire your sensitive information.
  • Use strong passwords and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA): Implementing strong, unique passwords for all your accounts is vital. Create passwords that are difficult to guess and avoid reusing them across multiple platforms. Additionally, wherever possible, enable multi-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your accounts.

By taking these steps, you can protect your data from cyber threats and keep your business safe. Visit the National Cybersecurity Alliance website to learn more about these tips and Data Privacy Week.

Not sure where to get started?

If your business is looking for ways to keep your data secure contact us. We can help develop policies and procedures for your business to ensure data security is a priority and build a saver future for your business, team, partners, and customers!


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