Why Cybersecurity Should Not Be Your IT Team’s Burden

Cybersecurity is so much more than IT Management, passwords, dark web scans, and firewall settings. It is a full-time, ongoing and critical role that requires a dedicated focus to make sure your risks are mitigated. Placing your company’s cybersecurity on your internal IT team’s already weighed down shoulders is a slippery slope that can have devastating repercussions. With everything else they have going on – It also shouldn’t be their responsibility in the first place.

With a growing hiring shortage, it can be increasingly difficult for companies to meet their current IT needs let alone add cybersecurity responsibilities to the mix. Cybersecurity isn’t something that can be missed and finding security professionals with in-depth and latest knowledge can be difficult.   

According to cybersecurity experts by the end of the year there will be a ransomware attack every 11 seconds (an increase of about 20% compared to 2019). Yet, many businesses try to keep cybersecurity inhouse and push the responsibility of mitigating their biggest threat onto their own IT team. 

Cybersecurity is Complex

With cyberthreats becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex, having the right plans, policies and processes in place for your business requires a great deal of strategy and planning. 

Contrary to a common misconception, cybersecurity is separate from IT. Every single aspect of a business has a component of security, whether it’s related to billing and invoicing, customer information, procurement, vendor management, or human resources – it seeps into each area. When a company experiences a cyber-attack, the entire business and its future are instantly put at risk, meaning every department, every customer and every line of business becomes vulnerable.

And the repercussions can be costly. In a recent IBM and Ponemon Institute study it was reported the average data breach for those surveyed costs $4.24 million. This does not consider the “priceless” costs which include their reputation and the impact on their employees, clients, and partners.

Now – Take a moment to stop and think about how hard you and your team have worked to build the organization you have today. All of it could be gone with one simple click of a link attached to a malicious email. It’s truly that easy.

Preparing Your Business for the Future.

From a small-to-midsize business (SMB) perspective, you might ask – why would any cyber-criminal target my business in the first place? Why would I pay for cybersecurity protection if I might never need it?

At the end of the day, all cybercriminals want is to get paid. If you leave the door open, as so many businesses who don’t prioritize security do, someone will eventually walk in and get your money.

Every company will experience a cyber-attack in some fashion. It might not be today, or tomorrow, but it will happen. And you need to be prepared.

How Complex Is Your Cybersecurity Solution?

Cybersecurity goes much deeper than having a firewall and anti-virus protection in place. While these basic security measures are important, they are no longer sufficient for today’s threat landscape. Cybercriminals don’t care what you do or how long you’ve been doing it. Their methods for attacking companies like yours are malicious, designed to confuse individuals, and can easily overcome traditional IT security practices (firewalls and anti-virus).

In house IT teams aren’t trained to be cybersecurity experts, or equipped to monitor your environment for intruders 24/7, or plan for future security measures, as well as provide security training for the rest of your staff. It’s nearly impossible for an in-house team to do all of this, on top of their daily technical responsibilities. An effective cybersecurity program requires a dedicated team, 24/7 monitoring and an extensive background in security with ongoing education for it to be done correctly.

As a leader or business owner cybersecurity is YOUR responsibility. You need to see that you have the right plan in place to adequately protect your company from one of the biggest threats facing your organization today. Cybersecurity is a fast-moving industry and staying up to date with it is tough, especially if your business has an internal IT team that must focus on menial day-to-day support to keep the business running smoothly.

By working with a group of cybersecurity experts you can rest assured knowing that this is their sole priority and focus – it’s what they do every single day. At Convergence Networks, our Security team’s roles require them to stay up to date on cybersecurity trends and industry knowledge.

Once you make cybersecurity a business priority, your employees (even the ones that are typically resistant to change) will too.

We want to help you eliminate threats before they become threatening.

Convergence Networks is here to guide you through the darkness. Contact us today or visit our website here to learn more about our Managed Security Services and Cybersecurity Projects


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